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Shaming the 'Fat-Shamer's'

"It's really not glandular, it's your gluttony...We object to the enormous amount of food resources you consume while  half ...


A body confidence blog complete with honesty, health tips and HUGE helping of humor.

Hello! It's Me! Justice,

A big welcome to my blog! and thank you for taking the time to read it. 

The name for my blog was born from me trying to incorporate my own name into the blog title. I was looking at the word 'Just' and I thought: What do we all want? Most of the time it's to just be left alone. To just be what we want, when we want, how we want.
 And I thought what better message is there? To Just be the way you want to be? and voila!!! 'Just Be..Your Way' emerged. 

Now, I know most people use the 'about' section to say a few things about themselves, but I'm gonna use it to explain why I felt I needed to create Just Be.. Your Way.

When you're young, you expect certain things from those closest to you. Love and acceptance foremost. But also all that feeling that they believe in you. I didn't have that. I had 'honesty'.
One of my strongest memories was being told by my dad that it was a good thing I was smart because I wasn't getting anywhere based on my looks.Lovely. I know.

I remember my dads wife making fun of the ways my thighs touched when I walked, of being told I should wear a cardigan in the middle of summer because it wasn't 'modest' for me to be showing my 'fat' arms, Of being forced to run laps up and down the stairs because I clearly wasn't 'happy being fat'. I guess they both failed to notice that their bullying was doing far worse than the measurement of my waistline could every do.
My dad felt that 'tough love' was the solution so when I complained I was being bullied when I was about 14, I told my dad a group of boys were making fun of me and calling me "pregnant", "fat", and a "hippo" ( where they got that one from I have no idea! but it happened to be a particular favorite). His response ? "Well its true, isn't it?". 
All I'm going to say is growing up the 'less attractive' sibling sucks some major balls. Growing up the less attractive fat sibling just sucks even harder. The thing is if i look back on old photographs it's quite clear to see i wasn't fat, but rather completely normal and healthy, unfortunately I was told otherwise. Repeatedly and with great surety.

And I tell  you these tings not because I want sympathy or pity, and not to create a sob-story of all my woes, but because you know what I really needed growing up in that toxic environment? Someone to tell me it was all bullshit. Someone to be in my corner, to have my back. Someone to tell me it would be better.

I want to do that.

If I can help even one person feel better about themselves, and ignore people's opinions of them Then I've done what I sent out to do. If I can help just one girl realize that she is beautiful just the way she is, then I've been successful. If I can make just one person stop and think before they make a comment about someone else's appearance, then I've changed someones thinking for the better.

Obviously Just Be..Your Way is in it's infancy but as it grows hopefully my message will too!!!

And that's it! All About why I started doing this:) 

Soooo thanks again for reading and remember to Just Be..Your Way xx

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